We dropped the price on hundreds of items. Shop clearance now!

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Gimme A $5 is now Keevado

Introducing Keevado, the ultimate destination for a shopping experience like no other. 


At Keevado, we've curated an extensive collection of products ranging from electronics to fashion, home goods to accessories. Whether you're a fan of browsing in-store or prefer the convenience of online shopping, we've got you covered. Explore our incredible selection at seven convenient locations or visit us online at keevado.com.


We've worked tirelessly to create an unparalleled shopping destination that offers unbeatable value, top-notch products, and a seamless experience. This falls in line with our core value of innovation as we shift our mindsets to improve our stores and create a better shopping experience. We are adjusting to a future of opportunities and fun, and we hope you will adjust with us. Keevado is all about variety, savings, and convenience, catering to your every need and desire.


To kick off this transformation, we’re having a 40K Giveaway Livestream tomorrow, June 17th on the Whatnot App. Sign up now to get $15 added to your account for your first purchase: https://www.whatnot.com/invite/keevado


Whether you're searching for everyday essentials, fashion-forward pieces, stylish home decor, or the perfect gift, Keevado has got your back. We're not just revamping our storefronts; we're also introducing an online experience that will blow your mind.


Get ready to embark on a shopping journey that defies expectations. Keevado opens the door to endless possibilities, where convenience meets quality and savings meet satisfaction. We can't wait for you to experience the magic of Keevado!

Join us today on the Whatnot App, visit keevado.com, or step into our seven store locations opening on Saturday, July 1st. Discover a world of shopping bliss and embrace the future of retail with Keevado. It's what we were born to do!

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